Hi everyone! Today I had a nice relaxing massage and day at the spa, so of course, as soon as I got out of there, I was ready to shop 'til I drop. So I went at Walmart first, and purchased a whole lotta drugstore products.
Not pictured: SPAresource Pro-Series Premium Wedges (2.58 $CAD)
I'm very happy with the cuticle wax, as I have a terrible problem my cuticles. I don't bite my hands, never have, but I do tear my cuticles whenever I can. This leads to pain, bleeding and unhealthy looking nails, and since I'm such a nail polish addict, I really must address this problem. I also bought a Sally Hansen kwik off, which is a must for someone who hates removing nail polish. It is very drying though...
I'm also very happy to buy a sauna mask, which I haven't used since I've been like 10 years-old, when I first started using beauty and skincare products. It's only for one use though, but it has - from what I can remember - a very nice hot soothing feeling when you apply it.
I've also been searching for a coral lip gloss and this one was pretty much the only one available there. I preferred the Revlon lip gloss in Papaya, but they had only one left and it wasn't sealed, so definitely wasn't going to purchase that.
As for the blush, I haven't tried it yet, but I will post a more detailed review when I do. I've been looking at NARS and MAC blushes for a while now, but can't seem to resign myself to shed out the $$$ to purchase them. So I figured I was going to try this one first and start my blush expansion project from there. A very evil project for my wallet, but such a beautiful journey.
xoxo, MiMu