
Because everything needs to have an intro

Hi everyone, my name is Christine and I'm a makeupaholic.

I'm much more than that though... it's not like it's a whole defined state of being that's exclusive to anything else... or is it?

During my non-free time, I'm a college student here in Canada. Currently studying to be an accountant, to appease the businesswoman in me. I have a job as a customer service representative in a call center, which allows me to pay for my addictions. I hoard books, dvds, makeup and nail polish. I love to do lists and check things off them. I also love categorizing my stuff in spreadsheets.

I love trying new things and I'm always open for recommendations or critics. This blog will be a way for me to express my love of makeup to someone else than my cat. ;-) My reviews will express my own opinion and no one else's. I will try my best to be objective about the product itself, but I am a consumer and partial to fluffy things like packaging and design. I will try to limit my posts to the essential, but I can't make promises - I do like to diverge.

If you have questions or requests, you can reach me at majorinmakeupaddiction@gmail.com and I will happily answer as soon as I get a chance. :-)

xoxo, MiMu


  1. Nice to meet you! Your blog is exactly what I've been looking for. ; )

  2. Thanks! You're so nice :) I've looked at your blog too, you got that very straightforward dialogue and I looove that! Nice to meet you too! xoxo
